Apple Wood Pens
Apple trees were introduced to Nova Scotia by the earliest French settlers who accompanied the Viceroy of New France, Poutrencourt, on his second voyage in 1607 to Port Royal.
While Port Royal was the cradle of the apple industry in Nova Scotia, the apple has continued to play a major role in the economy of the Annapolis Valley. In May of each year, the Valley is bursting with the colourful pink and white blossoms of the apple orchards.
The colour of the apple wood ranges from a light tan to a rich deep brown. Some of the apple woods are cut on the end grain and show the light and dark colours to advantage. Under conditions of good cultivation and environment, apple trees can produce a bountiful fruit from one hundred and fifty to two hundred years.
The apple wood that I use was given to me as a gift for my 60th birthday. Two trees were harvested from an Acadian orchard in the District of Clare in Nova Scotia and are over 150 years old.